Clayton Karas Photography: Blog en-us (C) Clayton Karas Photography (Clayton Karas Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:33:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:33:00 GMT Clayton Karas Photography: Blog 90 120 Photo Shoot with Lindsay Leb-Parent Photo shoot 6/09/2013 with Lindsay Leb-Parent.

After putting my photography on hold for a while to restart my life, I was able to start photographing people again.

   Lindsay was one of the lead dancers in Cabaret at the Pressroom I was able to photograph a few months back. She had such amazing stage presence that I had to photograph her one-on-one. She got ahold of me and asked if she could come back to Phoenix to do a photo shoot with me, I jumped at the chance. She had moved to Las Vegas to pursuit her dance career and needed to start building her portfolio. We were able to work out a time and since I was fairly new to Phoenix I had to find a location for the shoot and quick. There was a little ghost town on the edge of Phoenix called Scorpion's Gulch nestled at the base of South Mountain. The buildings had no roofs and the walls had this amazing texture to use as a back drop. The only draw back was that it was in the desert and it was going to be 109 degrees that day. I ended up pushing the shoot time back twice from 5 to 6 then from 6 to 7pm. The weather gods must have smiled down on us because a nice breeze came through and cooled it off a bit. 

I would like to thank Rex Cota for assisting me in the photo shoot. He was very attentive to Lindsay and my needs on the entire shoot.


(Clayton Karas Photography) Lindsay Leb-Parent Clayton Karas Clayton Karas Photography Rex Cota Mon, 10 Jun 2013 07:54:25 GMT
Info for Photographers

(Clayton Karas Photography) Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:51:34 GMT
Roscoes Crush


Click on photo to play slideshow.....



I had a great opportunity to photograph a local Phoenix baseball team named

Roscoes Crush over a 3 week period.

A Great team and a great bunch of guys

(Clayton Karas Photography) Wed, 27 Mar 2013 15:34:06 GMT